Monday, July 30, 2012

100,000 Miles

In my mind, a long time ago, someone, somewhere, decided that they would set up a monument to remember, celebrate and evaluate the journey that had just come to pass and decided to call it a milestone. Much like in Joshua 8, when the people of Israel built an altar for the LORD, celebrating the promises that He had kept.

Here’s my most recent milestone:

I drove the 100,000th mile in my car!

Very insignificant I know, when you break it down, but for me I got to relive many hours and miles spent in that car. Here’s a history of my car for you and an understanding of why I have come to love and appreciate it deeply…

My car was given to me as a gift from my Dad and my Mom on March 17, 2005 (5 days before my 16th birthday, before my driver’s training test).
I passed my driver’s training test while it was raining :)
Jewels (aka my car) has survived numerous car accidents- that were not all my fault!
She helped me make the move to college, got me to the beach, took me to the mountains and has been my escape when I needed a break from my reality.
She has witnessed many hours of awful singing, and hours and hours of conversions about the love, grace and mercy of my Savior Jesus.
She has been the vessel that carries students and friends to and from Church and retreats, where they learned and grew and trusted with Jesus with their lives.

Yes, she is just a car… It is just a car. But I am so thankful for the journey that she has taken me on, that she has played such a huge role in. Thanks Mom & Dad for giving me such an incredible gift. Thank you Lord, for taking such an insignificant item in your eyes and using it to glorify Yourself. You continue to amaze me on this journey You call life- full of bumps in the road and breathtaking views.

Couldn’t help but think of this song while writing this blog