Saturday, March 10, 2012


A few months ago, my roommate and dear friend spoke some truth into my life by telling me how independent I was and how I tend to do things by myself, and her being the awesome roommate that she is, offered help whenever I needed it. At the time, I brushed it aside, I kind of took it as a compliment, but now I see where she was coming from and how much and how often I attempt to do things in my own strength, which (without noticing) leads to...

Hurt, pain and temptation- all forms of weakness in the world's eyes and causes us to run and hide in isolation, in shame and in guilt. Additionally, we all have our own ways of making us feel better without getting to the deeper issues. We run to food, fantasies and facades to help us in our pathetic attempt to make everything seem better. In this attempt we can look like we're wearing one of these...

Recently I read something that speaks into this very issue that we all face

"The age-old story of the Bible is that we try to meet with our own idols the needs God is supposed to meet. We depend on man-made gods instead of the one true God. Again, it is a problem of dependency. Sin is failing to depend on God and not saying yes to his grace in all its various forms. Meeting our needs our way is idolatry and never works."

Needless to say, this hits me in the heart and something that I am so guilty of, even recently. I have heard sin described in so many different ways, all across the spectrum- bad things we do, missing the mark, disobedience, selfishness, the list really goes on. But, at its very core sin is independence, a lack of dependency on the Creator of the universe, who holds all things together.

And now for the sweet, saving part...

"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted [hurt and experienced pain] in every way, just as we are- yet was without sin"
Hebrews 4:15

Therefore we should look to Jesus, the high priest, who has gone through, experienced and identifies with our state of hurt, pain and temptation. Solely through his dependence on God was he capable to accomplish and suffer all that he set out to do while here on earth.

Lord Jesus,
I give all praise to you- 
the one who was able to overcome this world and live a sinless life- 
fully dependent on God. 
I confess that so many times in just one week 
I try to meet my own needs, 
without depending on you. 
Please help me to surrender my efforts to you. 
Teach me more of what it means to be dependent on you. 
Fill me with your Spirit so that I may flee from my sin of independence. 
In your name